Eel Pie and Grosvenor Rd. were linked but there is no real comparison. One was a six month psychedelic fantasy, that fizzled out, and the other was a practical attempt at real, domestic, free-communal living. G R didn't fizzle out, it was forced out. It lasted for four years but I feel it could have gone on longer and got stronger if it was allowed to continue. Eel Pie was inspiring and "far-out man" but a bit unreal and with no possibility of longevity.whoop_john wrote:Grosvenor Road somehow paled after the Island,
whoop_john wrote:I was an 'outsider', yet born and bred in Twickehham and I had many friends among those living both on the island and Grosvenor Road.Dominic wrote:Eel Pie and Grosvenor Rd. were linked but there is no real comparison. One was a six month psychedelic fantasy, that fizzled out, and the other was a practical attempt at real, domestic, free-communal living.
Dominic, I remember you very well and fondly too. I enjoyed talking with you and still remember the twinkle in your eye. So does Beanie.
From what I understood by talking to Peter Walter, who was one of the early idealistic artists living on Eel Pie and helping pay the rent to Mr Snapper, it was only when the numbers of interlopers and those less together people within the community made it impossible for them to continue to operate as the arts commune, paying its way, that they had envisaged, that they left and went elsewhere. Peter himself lived in the church hall behind the Barmy Arms after Eel Pie. I recall that Peter told me that twice Pete Townshend had bailed them out with the hotel's rent and the third time he'd refused.
The later island inhabitants, if they had not been reduced to the least salubrious of our species, been more organised and not burned all the floorboards during the cold winter, may have been able to survive there a little longer than the six months Dominic remembers.
I moved away from the area after Grosvenor Road had been going a couple of years or so. I have quite a lot of negative things to say about both venues and my manners will prevent me from saying very many of them in this forum as it would be unkind and probably unwelcome if I did so. However, I will say...
With a number of notable exceptions, and I count Dominic among these people, I was often regarded as an outside energy source to the free-living eco-system and would thus mostly be greeted with 'Hi man, got any money,...?' or 'Hi man, got any...'. It was always about them and their needs and little about the other person. It was so cool when others were giving to you, but almost nothing went the other way, be it material or spiritual, although I saw so much talent in so very many people. At times I could have knocked heads together with what wasn't achieved
Yeah there were the good times though