list of Grosvenor Roadies

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list of Grosvenor Roadies

Post by Weed »

the old message board is now closed, but i thought it worth copying across the post about who came to the 2007 grosvenor Road Reunion -- it's not a complete list of people connected with Grosvenor Road, but it may be of help to those posting in the "Who lived where?" forum


last updated - Monday, 5th February 2009, 18:00 (GMT)

Grosvenor Road Reunion - 22 September 2007

those who came -

Ade & nephew Warren, Al, Alex (Sandra C), Angie, Ben & son Miles, Bernie, Bill S, Brian S, Brig, Cameron & sons Alex & Jamie, Chas, Chris J, Chris SS & Jacky & neice Jenny, Clare W (Clare N), Danny, Dave Cb, Dave S-K & Sünje, Des, Dominic, Frankie, Gary (LB), Geoff A, George N, Gerda, Graeme (Scratch), Jack & Petra, Jamie, Jane G, Janet, Jasmin, Joelle, John the Song, Jonny G, Josh, Jules, Karen, Kate the Straight, Keith Da Bass, Ken Cl (Jeremy), Ken E, Margaret, Martin, Mike T, Nick P, Ola (Ola F), Pam, Pat D, Richard S, Robin, Seamus (*), Steve B, Suzie (Sue B), Tess (Terry, No 16), Toni & Dave, Weed (Chris W)

those who didn't come, but have sent greetings or been in contact -

Andy, Barny, (Irish) Billy W, Blossom, Carol (of Carol & George), Carol G, Carolyn B, Charlie S, Dave P, George H, graeme dlt, Gypsy Dave, Inger, Jake, John S, Ken J (Ken S), Lucy, Maeve, Liz A, Maggy W, Mandy, Mary S, Mac, Nikki D (Nikki C), Nigel P, Nola, Olivia, Pete S, Richard B, Ron M, Rory, Steve A, Terry T, Tom, Tony G, Tony H, Totty

those not heard back from, or whose whereabouts is unknown -

Alyson D (Alyson B), Bob (No 7), Bob The Boat, Charmaine, Chloe & Chloe, Chris D, Chrissie & Gallico, Christopher H (Dave), Dave N, Dave (No 7), Dave (No 14), Deborah, Dennis & Bob, Dick C, Dieter, Don & Sue, Fluff, Fritz, Gareth J, George T, Gerard & Evelyne, Giles, Gillian H, Harry (Lanky), Hilton, Jan, Joanne, Joceline, John (No 12), John S & Daria, Johnny, Judy (Peachy B), Julie B, Kate V, Katie & Tim, Katy W, Ken & Pauline, Ken Cr, Kim & Del, Kip, Larry (Hillary H), Larry F & Sue, Laurie & Karen, Les, Lorna, Liz N, Maggie (cafe), Maggie (No 12), Mel & Joe, Melanie, Mike (No 10), Mouldy (Frank), Muffy, Nadina (Roz), Nick (No 16), Nobby, Paddy B, Pat, Paul W, Perry & Mark, Pete K, Paul P, Princess, Ray & Lin G, Richard (No 10?), Richard A, Robert B, Roger & Anne, Ron & Elvis, Roul, Shirley, Simon, Stefan, Sylvia, Ola (No 14?), Tivvy, Tom & Jerry, Tony P, Trissy, Woody, Yana N

and on a sadder note, RIP -

Buddy (1978?), Colin Campbell (1990), Dot (197?), Ed McGeough (1999), Freddie (1992?), Geoff (No 4) (1975), Jim McMahon 006), Joe Soap (1980?), John John (2004), Jorma (1995), Keith Young (?), Len (1996), Limey (2006), Marion (1974), Mary Harris (1975), OJ (1993), Rick Blair (1999), Sarah Webb (1993), * Seamus (2007), Tim Seymour-King (199?)
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Re: list of Grosvenor Roadies

Post by Joviale »

These people we have a mail address for, do you have any others, send them to me in a personnal message and they will also receive the news.:

The message about the next reunion has been sent to:
(When changed, I've used people's former name)
Alyson Bird; Andy Anderson; Barny Aldridge; Bill Sida; Brig; Carol Barnett; Carol Gardner; Chris Jackson; Chris Selwyn-Smith; Clare Newell; Danny; Dave (Cheeseybits) Bowman; Dave Perris; Dave Seymour-King; Doctor Pat; Dominic; George Harrison & Margaret; Gerda; Graeme de la Terre; Irish Billy; Jake Stratton-Kent (Wally); Jamie Chadwick; Jane Greene; Janet Gill; Janet Milford; Jasmin; Joelle; John the song; Jonny Greene; Julia Bell; Karen Phillips; Kate the straight; Keith Bailey; Ken Elmes; Ken Sibley; Liz Anfield; Lucy Irvine; Mac (via his friend Chaz); Maeve Neate; Maggy Webb; Mandy Martinez; Martin; Mary Sayer; Nick Powell; Nigel Planer; Olivia Seck; Pat Day; Paul Woodhouse; Perry (TUMT); Pete Smith; Richard Sleep; Robert Bell; Richard Bell; Ron Mattock; Rory Campbell; Scratch; Steve Allin; Steve Bird; Sunje; Terry Turk; Little Tess; Tom Ashford; Toni&Dave; Tony Grant; Tony Hemingway; Weed; Whoop John.
If i can't dance to it, it's not my revolution
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