I got this personnal message from Ron who is still in touch with Pete S. and is now a member of the forum.
Me and pete started up number fifteen together along with bob the boat and george tyler (wonder what happened to him and carol) we was photographed hanging curtains and cooking for the rich/twick times.we (pete and i later ran the cafe for a while. I live mid wales, i got ten kids, half in ireland and half here. I saw katy willet recently, she used to have a flat in the road now living on boat in mediterranian.
i also know that larry (the nutter) lives in this town but i dont see him much. His ex sue lives here too and she's lovely.
And she had suggested using her place for last year reunion and then we had no more news, if you're still in touch, can you ask her about it, it's more "central" than totnes.
I was living on Exmoor but due to lack of paid work there I moved back to Bath, where I previously lived. I've been here for over 30 years now, discounting Exmoor. I came here originally to escape from George...you could say things didn't end well between us!...I moved into a squat. L'il Brother and Fritz were living there for a while. Funnily enough I still live in the same street, but a different house..I'm married, three kids and recently became a grandmamama. I still work sorting out sad horses. Also work at Glasto every year, at the Acoustic stage, driving the bands around.
No idea what happened to George Tyler, if he's still alive he'd be in his late 60's now.