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Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:34 pm
by Joviale
So my ideas of topics (not limitative) would be:
- suggestions and ideas to make this page even nicer
- Where did we live and when (anecdotes)
- Current events (next reunion but also invitations for things we organise at home)
- Chat about anything and nothing
- proposing or asking for rides from A to B
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:26 pm
by Chris S-S
My inclination would be to let things evolve as and when there appears to be a call for it,and then create an appropriate forum for that subject, to do so before there is a need would I feel risk a lots of forums with none or very few postings in them.
And given that any one monitoring the general chat forum will see a request for a lift I am not sure a separate forum is justified.
If on the other hand there is a spate of such request or offers (say prior to a future reunion, festival or whatever) the posts can be moved to a new and more appropriate forum at that time.
I think for our purposes a new topic for say discussion regarding the next reunion would be more than adequate, remember it is less likely to get lost now and can always be bumped to the top or made a sticky
Maybe its a case of semantics and I should define what I mean
A forum I use to mean a heading such as the general chat Forum we have created.
Topics being the discussions within that forum.
Groups are collections of forums separated out into headings to keep GR postings separate from the Budgerigar collectors forums (yet to be formed).
Other peoples understanding of these terms may differ from mine.
As long as people start new topics when subject matter changes shouldn't that be good enough?
I started the Technical discussion forum because I felt that the contents weren't as such anything to do with GR but would be useful for people with problems that may have been answered already but not interesting reading for visiting old roadies.
I am happy to be persuaded otherwise and the last paragraph may well be an argument for separate forums on a wider scale.
Customizing isn't really that easy further than I already have and would involve programming skills I don't posses , however there are a number of different styles already available for those that don't like this one selectable from there "User Control Panel"
As you might be able to tell I have been rained off work today.
What do people think?
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:36 pm
by Joviale
I agree with your definition of "Forums" and "Topics", but i wanted to had a forum about the next reunion because i think this will at some point generate different type of topics but i couldn't. I think it's probably because i don't have the rights for that, so i cretaed a topic.
So far it doesn't really matter because it is not very busy but hopefully it will at some point! Can you change it's place when you have time?
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:49 pm
by Chris S-S
Hi Joelle
You should be able to create a forum you have the right permissions. to do so I will look into it. I have had a look and it could be that you haven't enabled your role
check out User Control Panel - Usergroups check the box for administrator
I don't know but it might be the problem
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:11 pm
by RSleepy
Hi Chris SS & Joelle
Brilliant! I like it - well done.
I just found this - haven't looked at emails for a while.
I shall figure it out.
Richard Sleep
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:25 pm
by Joviale
I would like to create a new forum called: "Who lived where"
with one topic for each house, photos (we already have a few, so i would sort them by houses) and then people can post anecdotes concerning the different house (one day, lots ofpeople will post, i'm patient!).
What do you think?
It's a bit of work, but i think it's nice if there are new things posted regularly, so tell me if you lot think it's worth it.
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:22 am
by Chris S-S
Go for it
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:26 am
by Joviale
Well i started, but it doesn't look very nice, the photos have all different sizes. It would be nicer if they were all big, with comments underneat or all small with comments on the side. I haven't quite worked it out yet, i suppose i'm going to have to copy the images and work on them in photoshop or similar.
Also i did something wrong in creating the forum and now i get a rectangle saying "no new post" before the name of the forum.
What i did try to do is imbed the gr poscard but it didn't work!
And i got the permissions wrong so as you can't see this forum as a guest, i can't change that, broufffffffff, i'm not very good at that!
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:26 pm
by Chris S-S
Hi Joelle.
There are limited layout facilities within the forum editor.
Would this be better placed within the GRWiki you can align and move and resize images there? you could create a page for each house
Have a play you can always cancel out if you don't like how it looks.
Luv Chris
Re: Ideas for the Forum
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:48 pm
by Joviale
Well i'm having another go after coming back from the radio.
I noticed that photos coming from weed's page had a little t at the end and i wondered if it wouldn't mean thumnail by any cance so i tried removing it and bingo!
I doesn't seem to work likewise with the ones coming from my flicker, but well it's a start.
About the wiki, i'm still trying to work out how this forum works and i'm not vey quick, so perhpas i'll wait for a bit (old brains, you know...).
And i found how to change the permissions and suppress the image which didn't work anyway, i might not be that stupid, after all!