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Bad news about my dad

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:33 pm
by Joviale
For those of you who remember him, my dad died last Thursday, he'd been ill for a long time but this last week he'd said he'd had enough. He died in the least bad way possible, at home, in the arm of his grand daughter Eloïse.
Apart from the official part, tomorrow, which we have ot go through because one is not allowed to have a vicking's funeral in one's back garden (he would have loved that!), we will have a "pagan" ceremony on the 14th of august, plant trees, play music sing, tell stories about him, laugh, and cry…
We occasionally talked about Grovernor Rd, and he remembered quite a few people, especially those from N° 7 of course, but also those who had visited me later on, when I was back in France.

Re: Bad news about my dad

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:42 am
by Weed
sorry to hear that Joelle -- i remember your Dad from Grosvenor Road, and also from when i stayed at yours in Paris (1978?) -- it sounds like it was a peaceful end

Re: Bad news about my dad

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:25 am
by Chris S-S
Hi Joelle
I am sorry to hear about your Dad, I missed his visit to the road but from what I have heard he was much liked.
My thoughts are with you.
Love Chris