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Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:53 pm
by Dominic
Should I assume that you object to OJ's work being displayed on this forum (or on the net)? Is that what it's all about? Forgive me for being so slow.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:43 pm
by Guv
[quote="Dominic"]Should I assume that you object to OJ's work being displayed on this forum (or on the net)? Is that what it's all about? [/quote]
Not at all. Sounds like a very good idea to post OJ's stuff. I was talking about his personal thing while he was alive...that he did actually get his work out, where he wanted it shown, at the time. This said, maybe I read him wrong and he wasn't as capable of getting things together as I thought he's possible. Has anyone got pictures of his murals or hard copy of his work that can be produced on the net? It would be nice for his son to see, hopefully.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:01 pm
by Dominic
Hi' Guv, - Thanks, I understood all of that. There are, however, some things in previous messages that still need translation for me, but that's not important.
The problem now is that, The Administrators, in their dubious wisdom, have blocked access (except for 'read only') to this forum to non-registered guests. ('edit' - I humbly withdraw the word dubious)
Ref. 'Changes to posting permission'
I hope you continue to post and/or answer posts.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:47 pm
by Chris S-S
The Administrators in their dubious wisdom have blocked access
That is a bit harsh I am merely trying to repair a situation that through no fault of my own was created and which has just been bought to my attention
Personally I thought it would be better to allow non-registereds to write in other forums. That way, conversations that go off topic can be taken to the apropriate forum/topic.
Apparently the security of other users has been undermined. I don't know how, but then I'm just a noobie.
Without requiring membership it is quite possible for any internet user to post anything from adverts to virus's, hijacking the forum for there own uses and with the exception of spending ones time deleting such posts as they appear there would be no way of stopping it happening.
In the same way as it is necessary to use firewalls, Wep encryption and Anti virus software to secure ones own computer it is necessary to put some security in place on a forum or you will be wading through dozens of junk mail to find a post you want to read and there will be nothing an administrator can do to prevent it
Requiring registration covers me from potential prosecution due to the activities of anyone who cares to put me in that position there is obviously material that is not acceptable or legal to have posted here and by registering users are agreeing not to do so and I am in the clear if at sometime someone does.
I am sorry if this appears a draconian use of my powers but for me to ignore such a situation would have been irresponsible
Due to the fact that they are unregistered I am unable to get in touch with those users affected personally but if they would like to get in touch with me at I will do my best to get them registered while respecting there anonymity
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:15 pm
by Joviale
I confirm what chris is saying. I created a topic wothout noticing that the "rights" could be different from one topic to the other.
When i realised it thanks to you drawing attention to it, i asked chris what to do. He's quite right about the risks of leaving a forum open to spams and trolling, and again, becoming a member doesn't mean you have to give your identity.
I'm really sorry that my carelessness brought that situation on us.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:24 am
by Dominic
Point taken! - I no longer doubt the wisdom of the administrators. Sorry for my harsh sounding words, I didn't mean it that way.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:45 am
by Joviale
I'm not sure if it is "who lived where" or "various squats" which was open to non registered members. And i was suprised that people could post and give some name without being registered, but as i always register before entering the forum, for me all the topics or forum had the same rights! And i'm more into reading the contributions than the actual small prints round them, which as an administrator, is bad!
Anyway, shall we stop about that and get back to what the topic was set up for?
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:20 pm
by Steve hemp
In september 1973 I moved into 100 Cross deep with Kip. Jeremy. Woody and Mary, and Paddy Bush, I lived there till me and Dominic went off to stay at Pen y Banc in Carmarthenshire. It was a beautiful Art Noveau house with a garden that went down to the Thames it was next to a convent school , and when I would sometimes sit on the mooring jetty eating my muesli in the mornings I would wave to the young schoolgirls passing the windows on their way to class. But Grosvenor rd was central hangouts ville and No 7 in particular. However we had a bath which I remember several girls taking advantage of ; Ade, Mary Sayer and others(guys didn't seem to think it was that important.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:29 am
by Dominic
Hey Steve, welcome, and thanks for bringing us back on topic.
Re: Various squats in the area
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:47 am
by richard44
Searchlights every where in the infamous bust of galsworthy Road, i remember the Court case after the old bill had conveniantly planted something in my teapot, honestly guv its true.